SPE Papers Authored by Constien & Associates
Richard M. Hodge, Robert C. Burton, Vernon Constien, and Valerie Skidmore: SPE 73772, “An Evaluation Method for Screen-Only and Gravel Pack Completions:, presented at the SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, 20-21 Feb. 2002.
Vernon Constien: SPE 112497, “Formation Damage, Completion Impairment Following Dynamic Filtercake Deposition on Unconsolidated sand”, presented at the SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, 12-14 Feb. 2008.
Vernon Constien and Valerie Skidmore: SPE 98363, “Standalone Screen Selection Using Performance Mastercurves”, presented at the SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, 15-17 Feb. 2006.

R. Hodge, R. Burton, C. Fischer, and V. Constien: SPE 128060, “Productivity Impairment of Open-Hole Gravel Packs Caused by Drilling Fluid Filtercake,” presented at the 2010 SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA, 10–12 February 2010.
E. Martch, A. Hudson, W. Bode, C. Fischer, and V. Constien: SPE 151865, “Fundamentals of Gravel Pack Performance with Mesh Screens,” presented at the 2012 SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA, 15-17 February 2012.
C.C. Fischer and V.G Constien: SPE 168201-MS, “Practical Laboratory Testing for Shale Fracturing”, presented at the 2014 SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
C.C.Fischer, V.G. Constien and C.M. Vining: SPE 168202, “ Filtering Out More Information from Laboratory Screen and Gravel Pack Tests”, presented at the 2014 SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA,
C.C. Fischer and V.G. Constien: SPE 179023, “Gravel Pack Sizing Criteria – It’s Time to Re-Evaluate”, presented at the 2016 SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
C.C.Fischer, V.G. Constien and C.M. Vining: SPE 179024, “Would You Like Good Lab Results or a Productive Well? Getting Wellbore Cleanup Testing Right!”, presented at the 2016 SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
Christine Fischer: SPE 189500-MS, “ The Real World isn’t Perfect: An Investigation into Wellbore Clean-up with Non-Uniform Filtercake Exposure”, presented at the 2018 SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
Christine Fischer and Heidi Hamby: SPE 189515-MS, “A Novel Approach to Constant Flow-Rate Sand Retention Testing”, presented at the 2018 SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
SPE Papers Presenting Constien & Associates Test Data
R. Chanpura, R. Hodge, J. Andrews, E. Toffanin, T. Moen, M. Parlar: SPE 127931, “State of the Art Screen Selections for Standalone Screen Applications,” 2010.
L. Rivas, G. Navaira, B. Bourgeois, B. Waltman, P. Lord, T. Goosen: SPE 116007, “Development and Use of High-Density Fracturing Fluid in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Frac and Packs,” 2008
A. Procyk, D. Jamieson, J. Miller, R. Burton, R. Hodge, N. Morita: SPE 109824-PA, “Completion Design for a Highly Compacting Deepwater Field,” 2009.
T. Schneider, D. Uldrich, R. Hodge, B. Barree, M. Martin: SPE 106050-MS, “Horizontal Fracture Stimulation Success in the Alpine Formation, North Slope, Alaska,” 2007.
G. Colwart, R. Burton, L. Eaton, R. Hodge, K. Blake: SPE 105542-PA, “Lessons Learned on Sand-Control Failure and Subsequent Workover at Magnolia Deepwater Development,” 2009
K. Wibisono, R. Burton, R. Hodge, R. Wijaya, B. Nieuwland, J. Cassidy: SPE 104119-MS, “Openhole Clean-up of Deep, High Temperature Horizontal Wells with a Chelant Based Acid System – Case Histories from Indonesia,” 2006
E. Davis, D. Beardmore, R. Burton, J. Hedges, R. Hodge, H. Martens, C. Svoboda: SPE 96830-MS, “Laboratory Testing and Well Productivity Assessment of Drill-in Fluid Mud Systems in Order to Determine the Optimum Mud System for Alaskan Heavy-Oil-Multilateral Field Developments,” 2005.
R. Burton, E. Davis, R. Hodge, T. Gilbert, R. Stomp, N. Abdelmalek, M. Bailey: SPE 74365-MS, “Subsea Development of Shallow, Low-Pressure Gas Reservoirs Using High Performance Well Designs,” 2002
C. Bennett, J. Gilchrist, E. Pitoni, R. Burton, R. Hodge, J. Troncoso, S. Ali, R. Dickerson, C. Price-Smith, M. Parlar: SPE 65140-MS, “Design Methodology for Selection of Horizontal Open-Hole Sand Control Completions Supported by Field Case Histories,” 2000.